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About Renaissance
Sharing our story can help customers establish confidence in our products and services.

Exceptional Performance Standards
We’ve been tracking our performance and the results are outstanding.

Your Security Is Our Top Priority
We keep customer information encrypted and routinely try to break into our own systems. All so your customers can have peace-of-mind that their information is private and secure.

Experience That Stands Out
With more than 60 years of experience within the Renaissance Health Service Corporation, we’ve focused on providing exceptional, customizable plans, coupled with the best customer service in the industry.
Explore some of the customizable dental options you can offer customers.

Start Fresh With Renaissance
The Orthodontic Reset allows customers to start fresh with a new orthodontic maximum, even if they’re joining Renaissance with an orthodontic treatment in progress.

Push Your Annual Max To The Max
With this option diagnostic and preventive services don’t count toward annual maximums.

Rollover Maximum
The Rollover Maximum allows customers to carry over up to $750 of their annual maximum if they process a diagnostic or preventive claim each benefit year.

Passport Dental
Renaissance offers great coverage in the US. Now, with Passport Dental your customers who frequently travel abroad can receive dental coverage nearly anywhere in the world.

Evidence-Based Benefits
Sometimes customers need to see the evidence that dental benefits are effective. Here it is.

The Oral CDx BrushTest
An oral brush biopsy is used to detect oral cancer. Find out how this great benefit can save lives.
Our customizable plans help groups find the exact coverage they need. It’s an important part of running a successful business, and we’ve made it easier than ever.

The Value Of Ancillary Coverage
A healthy business thrives when it’s employees are healthy. Help your customers see how easy it is with Renaissance.
Your customers will experience more value to any plan when you add vision coverage.

Freedom to Choose (VSP)
Highlight the benefits customers get when they add vision coverage.

Everyone Needs Vision Care
The #1 priority for employees is out-of-pocket cost. See how Renaissance can save your customers money with added vision coverage from VSP.
Working with Renaissance is a great career choice. Learn how to grow your business even more.

Star Producer Incentive Program
Learn about great incentives when you write new business and grow your existing clients.

Grow Your Business With Us
We’re here to help your business thrive. These are just some of the benefits of working with Renaissance.

Explore our Wellness section with resources and classroom materials highlighting the health and wellness benefits of maintaining good oral health.